Saturday, October 3, 2009

Waitng such an enjoy

Someone told me after 40 days was a big day of me. Because after 40 days it will a change of my life. I wish it can come faster. Because it is a huge day of my life. What will happen, I cant say yet. But what can I tell you is after 40 days I will be more happy. Maybe is once of the greatest part of life also. And I want write this down to remind me all the times. Waiting such is 1 type of enjoy, when you get what you waiting for is like you work really hard for your exam, and base on your work hard you get the flying color on your result.
Please try to wait something important for your life, like your lover, your wonderful future and other else, but please work hard and built up for something you waiting for. That have no such a thing you can get it simply. I am also try to do as much as I can do when I am waiting for it. Actually I wait for this day already quite long, long until I was forget how long I am been here for waiting for it. But waiting such an enjoy.